Top 10 Patient Safety Must Reads – September 2016

As we flip our calendars to October, here’s a roundup of PPAH’s top posts and tweets from last month.

Top Posts:

This month we continued our push to bring more guest and feature interviews from thought leaders across the medical community.  For any readers wishing to contribute their opinions on matters of patient safety, reach out to us in the comments below, on Twitter, or on our Contact Page.

Improving the Management of Medical Error.  In this month’s guest post, Betsy Cohen, a certified and licensed rehabilitation counselor, introduces a communication model for the aftermath of medical errors.  Ultimately, it’s a set of guidelines to bring a human element back into managing situations with adverse effects.

5 Key Steps to Assessing and Identifying At-Risk Patients for Respiratory Compromise.  Opioid-related post-operative respiratory failure costs an estimated $2B in the United States each year; how can we identify and protect patients with the greatest risk?  That’s the subject for part one of our interview podcast with Dr. Thomas Frederickson, lead author of the RADEO guide.

5 Strategies to Keep Patients Safe When Receiving Opioids.  In part two of our interview podcast with Dr. Frederickson, we discuss top patient monitoring strategies.  The conversation covers a lot of ground, from comprehensive monitoring strategies to critical patterns in unexpected hospital deaths.

5 Key Resources to Reduce the Risk of Respiratory Compromise with Patients with Sleep Apnea.  For those who want to learn more about the topics covered by Dr. Frederickson in our two-part interview series, we’ve pulled together some top resources from PPAHS and around the web.

Prince and the Opioid Epidemic: 5 Ways for Addressing this National Crisis.  Though tragic, Prince’s death is one of thousands of lives touched by opioids.  As a response to the CDC’s recently released “Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain”, this article contains 5 key resources from PPAHS and the web.

Top Tweets:

This month in our coverage of #patientsafety, our top tweets spanned a breadth of topics: from opioid prescription safety, to medical errors, and clinician quality of life.  Our top tweet this month was a YouTube gem published in 2013 about prescription opioids that is still relevant today.


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